Saturday, September 7, 2013

NEW! Djarum Clavo Clove Cigarettes

djarum clavo
Djarum Clavo
10 Packs
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Made from high quality tobacco and carefully selected cloves, Djarum Clavo is one of the best premium Unfiltered Clove Cigarettes.

On the packaging are 3 words "Karya Tangan Indonesia" which literally means "Handmade by Indonesian"

 2.4 mg Nicotine 38 mg Tar

Buy Djarum Black Clove Cigarettes

djarum black clove cigarettes
Djarum Black
10 Packs
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Djarum Black is a filtered kretek cigarette known for its spicy, bold taste and aroma. The finest natural-grown tobacco and cloves are combined with a specially designed concoction of additional enhancements to create its distinctive spicy punch. Djarum Black Regular was the first kretek cigarette to feature a black paper wrapper.

Since its launch in 2001, the Djarum Black series have become synonymous with innovation. The product series, which began with the Djarum Black Regular, has since launched several other popular variants such as Djarum Black Cappuccino and Djarum Black Menthol. Its reputation as a smart, unique and creative brand swiftly gained in popularity among the modern crowd. 

For those people who'd prefer a milder version of Djarum Black, try Djarum Black Mild.

1.6 MG Nikotin 25 MG Tar

Djarum Black Brand Awareness TV Ads

Buy Djarum Black Menthol

djarum black menthol
Djarum Black Menthol
10 Packs
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A new innovation on the Djarum Black experience, Djarum Black Menthol is infused with a special, more powerful menthol for a menthol smoking experience that truly fits your lifestyle.

Djarum Black Menthol TV Ads " STOMP "

Buy Djarum Black Mild

djarum black mild
Djarum Black Mild
10 Packs
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Made of selected clove and tobacco with innovative double filter technology, Djarum Black Mild Clove Cigarretes give you the smooth, yet not too spicy taste.

Buy Djarum Black Cappuccino

djarum black cappuccino
Djarum Black Cappuccino
10 Packs
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Djarum Black Cappuccino was the very first cappuccino-flavored kretek cigarette to be invented. This filtered, machine-rolled cigarette was launched in 2004 to a warm reception. The rich, warm cappuccino element complements the tobacco and clove components perfectly, yielding an unusual and memorable product to be slowly savored.

Djarum Black Cappuccino continues the Djarum Black tradition of a smart, unique and innovative brand: a cigarette for the creative, sophisticated crowd

Djarum Black Cappuccino TV Ads " Cappuccino In Sticks "

Health effects of Clove Cigarettes

Djarum Black cigarettes sold in Europe, South Africa and South American countries have 10–12 mg tar and 1 mg nicotine, as indicated on the pack. This level of tar and nicotine is comparable to the majority of other regular or "full-flavor" cigarettes available. 

However, Djarum Black cigarettes produced for consumption in Indonesia contain a significantly higher quantity of tar and nicotine, 25 mg and 1.6 mg respectively. 

In Canada, Djarum Black cigarettes are listed as containing 44.2–86 mg of tar and 1.73–3.24 mg of nicotine, a significant amount more than most other cigarettes.

The venous plasma nicotine and carbon monoxide levels from 10 smokers were tested after smoking kreteks and were found to be similar to non-clove brands of cigarettes, such as Marlboro.

Rats were given equal inhalation doses of conventional tobacco cigarettes and kreteks over a short period. Those that had inhaled kreteks did not appear to show worse health effects compared to those that had inhaled conventional cigarettes. The study was repeated with a 14-day exposure and kreteks again did not produce worse health effects than conventional cigarettes.

History of Djarum Cigarettes

djarum clove cigarettes

Djarum is an Indonesian kretek (clove cigarette) brand founded in April 21, 1951 by Oei Wie Gwan in Kudus, Central Java.

In 1951, Oei Wie Gwan, an ethnic Chinese businessman, bought a nearly defunct cigarette company in Kudus, Central Java known as NV Murup. The brand was called Djarum Gramofon which means 'gramophone needle' he shortened it into Djarum which only means needle. 

The company's first brand was 'Djarum'. The company was nearly extinct when in 1963 a huge fire destroyed the company's factory which was followed by the death of Oei Wie Gwan. Nevertheless, the new owners - Oei Wie Gwan's children, Budi and Bambang Hartono, took the opportunity to rebuild the company.

In 1970, the company built a Research and Development Center to create new kretek blends. The company began exporting in 1969. In the same year, the company created the first machine-made kretek known as Djarum filter and in 21 April 1970, Djarum Super was launched. Djarum Super and Djarum 76 has been exported to the USA since 1982. Budi and Bambang Hartono diversified the company's activities outside of cigarette manufacturing.

After the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the company became a part of a consortium which bought Bank Central Asia (BCA) from BPPN, BCA is the largest private bank in Indonesia and was formerly a part of the Salim Group. Presently the majority stake of the bank (51%) is controlled by Djarum. In 2004 the Djarum Group acquired a 30 year BOT contract from the government to develop and renovate Hotel Indonesia in Jakarta under the Grand Indonesia superblock project.
The Djarum badminton club (PB Djarum) was founded in 1974 by company CEO Budi Hartono. Its players such as Liem Swie King and Alan Budikusuma have won numerous championships for Indonesia.

Buy Djarum Clove Cigarettes Only $23.95 Now !